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Shalloween and This Ducking Election: A Duck Recovers


I hope you all survived Shalloween—the night when all waterfowl stay away from the edge of the pond, for fear of the spooky bird-monsters that lurk there. Although if a duck is honest, the trash that ends up in the water on a day-by-day basis is even more frightening. Please recycle.

Also, this ducking election is enough to drive a bird to the brink.

So, I'm sharing my affirmations, post-Shalloween and during the beak-brained bonkersness of this week:

• It's what's inside me that makes me safe,

• Watch out, monsters, this beak is sharp,

• Chocolate exists, no matter what,

• I am grateful for all I have,

• Mallard Jones, you beak-brain, that is not your Rescue Remedy—you might at least ask before you borrow it,

• I am strong,

• I can deal with anything (except the Feather-Furied Coot of Great River—but Shalloween was Saturday, Duck, so this particular monster ain't around anymore),

• This moment, right here, is all I need to focus on.

Look after yourselves, ducks. You've got this.

Over and out,


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