Jan 12, 20213 min

Peacock Riley's Oracle Readings: Tap Your Inner Woodpecker

Duck and Riley show the back of the Divine Feather Messenger Woodpecker card


I, Duck T, pictured above, am here with the revolutionary Peacock Riley who has ducking awesome intuition. And today, Riley's providing all readers of Chuckle Duck with our first Peacock Riley oracle card reading. This reading is for the next seven days (with the day you first read this being your start date). If you'd like to see a reading like this every week, please vote with your flippers by sharing this post with others!

Our current deck is the Divine Feather Messenger deck by Alison DeNicola, and it's totally ducking gorgeous. Also, as you'll see in the above photo, in this flipper-tickling deck, the back of each card pictures the feather belonging to the bird in question. Neat, huh?

Peacock Riley with today's card

Here's our discussion of Riley's reading:

Riley: Today, I, the wondrous Peacock Riley, donned my signature glitter eye make-up, entered a deep peacock trance, then pulled the Woodpecker.

Card message: "Use your discernment and fortitude to achieve your goals and find them a new rhythm."

Duck: You pulled a woodpecker? You mean, like a bellpull? Which bit of said woodpecker did you pull exactly?

Riley: So, not to stray from the goal of this post, my feeling today with the Woodpecker card is that we birds and humans have been through a turbulent time. The rhythms we may once have had—like fanning our tail feathers three times before breakfast, eating a snail every hour, or cawing wildly at the injustice of Family Feud questions while still being rapt—may not suit our heartfelt goals. Like woodpeckers, we also need to "hammer ahead" towards our most important goals, rather than being duck-stracted.

Duck: Word!

Riley: To achieve our dreams, we need to focus on attaining them and find the new rhythms or patterns that will help us to get there. We have the discernment and fortitude—not to mention the tail-feathers—to do this. Listen to your intuition, dear ducks, and set up the daily patterns that will bring you closer to your goals while signaling to the universe that you're serious about achieving them.

That's a peacock-worthy manifestation toolkit!

These new patterns could be anything from affirming that you've achieved your dreams every twenty minutes, building your confidence with your own oracle readings, putting aside half an hour each day to practically move ahead with your goals, or meditating on your tail feathers at regular intervals.

New rhythms, new manifestations—that's how it works. This is why Riley pulled the Woodpecker card.

Duck: Listen, Riles, I know you'd never indulge in non-consensual tail-pulling, but if you happened to accidentally yank at that woodpecker in the cedar tree next to the pond, it serves him ducking right. All that beak-brained tap-tap-tapping at six in the morning drives a duck beserk! It's my prime rest-and-drift time.

Riley: Duck, have you considered getting a few new rhythms yourself? Like a pair of earplugs and a calmer attitude?

Duck: I mean, what's the guy got to be so tap-happy about? If he doesn't quieten down, I'll pecker his wood...

Riley: To be clear, I did not tug at any part of the woodpecker. (Peacock Riley is not a tugger!) He's just doing what he's born to do. We could take a feather from his book.

Duck: Okay, okay. You're right. Time to find a few new rhythms. That way, I'll achieve my goal of being a calmer duck.

And you know what, ducks? I had a word with the woodpecker (name of Beauregard) and we're meeting for pondweed sushi on Saturday to negotiate a timetable. The universe, channeled by Riley—with the help of the flipper-ticking Alison DeNicola's Divine Feather Messenger Oracle—was right. New rhythms, new life!

Over and out,


—By Star Williams, Duck T, and Peacock Riley

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Also, if you buy Alison DeNicola's Divine Feather Messenger Oracle by clicking through from the Amazon links on this page, this writer gets a little cash towards their Amazon gift card, so thank you very much!